Thursday, May 8, 2008

my question is this...

Why is there reality television, or should I say why is there soooo much realty tv? Seriously, are there that many people in the world that want to see other people eat buffalo scrotum? I have never understood the allure of seeing someone hurt themselves or others for profit or notoriety. I guess we can thank Survivor for getting the ball rolling, but then again "Candid Camera" was big in the 70's...very harmless however.

One night I was watching the tube with my friend the tapdancer. There was a show on with these two guys who challenged eachother to who could withstand the most pain and humiliation. Of course it was a set-up on the one guy and the other didn't actually do any of the stunts. We watched horrified till we finally turned it off. I could not believe there was actually a show about a guy who was going to shove a frozen foot long hot dog up his ass, but there is...and people watch it. I wonder what they served at that pitch meeting?

Oh well, every once and a while I have to get up on my soapbox and rant about what has happened to our society. Back in the day people got there 15 minutes of fame for doing good things, having something called talent. I miss those days!


Chanda (aka Bea) said...

People do love their train wrecks. That's all I can attest it to. Misery loves company, and nothing makes someone feel more well adjusted than watching some stranger fall apart, or act like more of an idiot than they could ever hope to be. "That is my theory, and what it is."

we_be_toys said...

"I hear you, my man."
I think we watched part of the first season of "Survivor", several years back, and that was enough of that shit for me. I can't think of anything less productive, and TV watching is pretty GD unproductive from the get-go, than watching "Reality" TV. Reality - shit - its all staged moronics, and beneath the intellect of anyone with an average IQ. Christ! It makes "Dora the Explorer" look like "Masterpiece Theatre" and that my lads, is a sign of the pathetic times.
As for the frozen foot long and the stupid prick who signed up to wear it - my feeling is he got what he signed up for, because if you think appearing on "Reality" TV isn't going to ream you, "You're fooling yourself."

FairiesNest said...

Can I hear a big AMEN!!!